Les royaumes Ogres de Khazar
Guerriers Khazariens
Guerriers Ogres de Khazar Echelle 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D 32 mm Khazarian Ogre Warrior for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War Resin printed
Artilleurs Khazariens
Artilleurs Ogres de Khazar Echelle 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D 32 mm Khazarian Ogre Gunner for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War Resin printed